Thursday, September 17, 2009

I don't have a problem.

Another reason we never get help is because we deny that we have a problem. We know that something is not right but we deny that we are the reason, this leads to a multitude of problems as we blame others and make excuses for what is happening as if, don't blame me it's not my fault. May I say that this will never solve the problem but allow it to grow into something much bigger and harder to solve later. To deny that there is a problem is to see the light on the dashboard of the car and to say to yourself there is no problem it's that light that has the problem. If you decide to go some where and have the light unhooked so it want light up any more, you have not done away with the problem. We can not run from our problems they only follow. The Bible tells us if we see a fault in another that we which are spiritual should restore such a one, would it not make since that we need to take care of our own self before we start trying to restore someone else.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We don't know what to do, so we do nothing.

Many times we know there's a problem but we simple do nothing thinking it will just go away. The problem with this way of dealing or not dealing is that the problem will grow and develop many sub-problems that will have to be solved before you go to the root problem that you started with. If we would learn to deal with the root in stead of the fruit of the problem the fruit would become blessings instead of the problems that they produce in our lives. It's the little foxes that spoil the vines. Get to the root of the problem and you will not have a fruit problem to deal with.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time will not heal all.

Many times in our life we know there's a problem but we try to live thinking that it will just go away. To live like this will only cause more problems. Yes, a broke leg needs to be set and given time to heal but it has to be set. A deep cut needs stitches and time will help it to heal. A bad infection needs medicines and time. Why is it that we think that emotional and spiritual problems will just solve themselves without us having someone to help and just time will heal this. If this is your way of dealing with these kinds of problems get ready to have this problem forever, though it might at times feel as if it is gone but it will stick it's ugly head up just when you least aspect it.
Why is it that we live this way? Let me give a few reason we do what we do. One is because we really don't know what to do, so we do nothing. Another is, we deny there is a problem. We will deal with each of these later on. If you need help get it that is the only way you will ever have peace. Only HIS will in our lives will feel the void we feel.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't live by your emotions

A teacher in college once said, "When emotions are aroused intellect stops working", in other words when we allow our emotions to control us our brain turns off and we go stupid. How many times have we said something or did something that we wish we could go back and re-live and the simple fact is that we spoke from our emotions. May, I say that you can not trust your emotions. Emotions are simply emotions and they are determined by our circumstances or even by our own body make up or lack thereof. The key is for us to live by belief(faith) which in turn develops our character and character will determine our actions. If we allow our emotions to determine our actions then be ready to say, "I'm sorry."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life is more than a moment

Don't judge the man because of a moment in his life, I'm not saying that he is not responsible but God gives grace and if we are to be like HIM we too must learn to give grace and mercy to those that we live with daily. David was such a man but God gave mercy and restored him back to the vessel that God could use.