Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Facebook: "We are called to act out our faith every day. God works through us to reach those who may never otherwise open the Bible or enter a church. What's more, He borrows our voice to tell His story and uses our life to demonstrate His grace and glory. Good deeds are a believer's labor of love."

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Facebook: "Too many go to Church get an emotional high and then die the next day as they meet the world head on and wonder what to do because they don't feel that feeling they had at Church. My goal as Pastor is the give the folks who come the sound Word and a sense on how to live it day by day. The excitment is great but short lived, I'm in Church only little but in the world more so I must learn to live for FATHER by faith and not emotions, emotions are not wrong but given by FATHER and my love for HIM is emotional and on purpose. When I learn to live on purpose and on principle then I have come to a place of peace and contentment."