Monday, March 29, 2010

stop the drift

when the motion ends the drift begins. There are so many folks that today are in trouble because they stopped. They stopped living right, eating right, loving right, they stopped doing the right, saying the right and thinking the right. Start again, get the motion going and stop the drift. When you drift you have no control, take back the power of you.

if the sink is leaking fix it, if the car needs gas put some in it, if you have a cut put a bandage on it and if you need to get things right do it. MAKE NO PROVISION FOR FAILURE. Did you get it, now do something about it!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time to start once again

It has been a while that I posted anything, many changes in life and much not as I have desired have come. Now is the time to begin a again to take back what the locusts have eaten. FATHER has been my school master for many years but during this past year I have come to understand more of what HE has been saying and at times liked it and at other times did not. It is only when we become teachable can we learn any way. I have said for years we should be "F.A.T. for Jesus", what I mean is F= faithful, A= available and T= teachable. If we would but learn these three simple things just think how much more we could grow and be used by FATHER.