Thursday, June 30, 2011


Facebook (4): "The hardest thing to stop doing is reliving the pain that we have experienced from someone whom we love but only through Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit can we experience peace and even joy after pain of heart and emotions."

let it go

Kem G. Lowery (1): "Write a non-mailed angry letter, pour out your heart in it. Then sit with an empty chair in front, put the name of person on it and read it out loud...let it out and let it go. It helps."


Kem G. Lowery: "A right response to disappointment begins with resisting the natural tendency toward bitterness. If someone else was involved in the situation, don't be quick to judge his or her conduct. We can't fully understand what is going on in others' lives. Our second step should be to ask the Lord, 'How am I to respond?' God can guide us to a wise and righteous reaction because He has all the facts."


Kem G. Lowery: "anytime you do not feel anger, blame, self-pity, bitterness, or resentment, then you are experiencing recovery. If you think of your former relationship less often than you used to, this is a sign of recovery. If you are living in the present more than you are dwelling in the past, you are recovering. I'm recovering!!!!!"

restoration in layers

Kem G. Lowery: "Restoration happens in layers. The 1st thing is you wake up some day and you feel a little better, not as depressed. You're able to get via day w/o crying. Then the next day, you might feel bad again. After a while you better more days than bad."

good night

Kem G. Lowery: "now I lay me down to sleep with tired, sore and ache feet,
oh, my strength is almost gone if I wake before it's dawn,
just shoot me in the head and call me gone. -----Good night!!!!"

you're no good

Facebook: "you're as good as you'll ever be. You're as good as you've ever been, and you won't ever be any better than you are. 'God never intended for you to get better, because you can't improve flesh, But the Holy Spirit, who is living inside you, will enable and live through you.' Flesh is insufficient. Only the Holy Spirit living inside us has the strength and wisdom to live out the Christian life victoriously."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

9 roadblocks to forgiveness

9 roadblocks to forgiveness

  1. Selfishness
  2. Pride
  3. Insecurity
  4. Resentment
  5. Unresolved anger
  6. Inability to recognize your weakness and mistakes
  7. Misunderstanding forgiveness
  8. fear of condoning the offense
  9. The passage of time.