Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Magic of the Moment

When it seems the magic's slipped away, in life, we all seem to believe we have to grow up and become adults but what does that really mean? I know it means responsibility but does that mean we have to become cynical and humbug about all things in life. Christ said we were not promised tomorrow and to take no thought for tomorrow so what is it that HE is trying to tell us? I believe it is that we can trust HIM and we should still live in the magic of the moment and listen for the Dreams that are calling like bells in the distance. Why not become dreamers again. Can my God still answer the dreams that we have? We look at the past failures and judge the moment in such a way that we over shadow the future with hopelessness and this is why we lose the magic. Let's find it all again this year on Christmas day. There were those who thought that day, that is the 1st. Christmas - our Saviors birth,  would never come but it did. Some still do not believed it and the magic of that moment for them one day will be past. Their future will be sealed with doom. May we not be as those and seal our future with doom because of our failure to see the magic of the moment that we have been given.

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